4 Aralık 2007 Salı

t h e m e t a m o r p h o s i s

m.c. escher " metamorphosis"

As the first term of the school is passing; lots of thoughts and concepts has been drifted at the moment. I must write them in case it is a very high chance that I might absolutely forget about them..(!)
The process has been shaped like a metamorphosis in my mind; a layer is coming, and than another and than a very different one on it..

I' ve seperated this process into 3 steps for now. The first one is the way that ı have submitted the proposal to the vcdmfa programme. At the second step; new definitions and also new questions , new problems have showed up; then ı have started to think about the ways, the methods for presantation and go through that way to the concept.. The third step is the alternatives in my mind; these can shape the project in very different ways..

Therefore; this project can go in a very different way, maybe too far to the first idea -according to the researches and the messes that I will be in.(!)- or can be smiliar to the first idea.

' s k e t c h o f t h e p r o c e s s '

l e t m e e x p l a i n . . .

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