16 Aralık 2007 Pazar

t h e s e c o n d p h a s e

The problem definition has been changed at that phase..A new concept has showed up;

g l o b a l i z a t i o n
I realy do not like to start every sentence with a "...in this term of globalization.." (!) but it is the situation that the whole world is in...
At this age of globalization ; every city, space even people started to look like the same.. We are talking about a world without the borders; t h e w o r l d c i t y . . .

At that point; talking about "uniqueness" against the global cities; is a bit of risky...

But the purpose of this thesis has been shaped like ; "Every city, country look like same according to globalization; but in spite of this global process, expressing city's own authentic image and unique features in visual vays..."

So the main problem turns to; "Do cities have their own images; are they unique in this age of globalization..? "

(If the problem defines like that; the study area; İstanbul ; fits this situation more..Because; İstanbul is a city;
-which is in the middle of modernism
-very open to what globalization brings
and also nominated as the cultural capital for 2010...
with every paradox in it..

The problem: This "being authentic, unique situation" in the city area..
How it is going to be decided? according to what?
where? ,
and here is the breaking point!!

t h e f i r s t p h a s e

The first phase of the project is the way that ı have submitted to the vcdmfa programme for the application..
I 'd like to emphasize some important points and keywords.

'The city is a scene'

'City gives inspiration for visual arts'

The project is feeding from 'these situations of the city'.

At that point; city becomes ' a material for visual comminucation'.

T h e i d e n t i t y / c h a r a c t e r ;
seperates a person or a place from the others..

"The identity does not mean equality, it means 'individualism' and ,'being unique' "
Kevin Lynch

İmage Concept: reflects that uniqueness, the authenticity..

People, managements, brands have their own images;

T h e q u e s t i o n : "Do cities have their own images? "

The purpose is to create the vitrines of the city which reflects its own authentic identity, image...

T h e m e n t a l m a p : The mental map(s) is the route of the project . The disricts, edges, landmarks, nodes that reflects this uniqueness and the image will be determined on that map..It is a visual map; it will be changed according to the forms of perceiving the space , during this process...

V i t r i n e : v i s u a l m e a n i n g

İ s t a n b u l : v a r i o u s m o s a i c
c o s m o p o l i t s o c i e t y ; that's why İstanbul is an appropriate example...

I'd rather use schemes for expressing...

The problem: The borders of the area / space that reflect the image of the city is not certain, not clear....

4 Aralık 2007 Salı

t h e m e t a m o r p h o s i s

m.c. escher " metamorphosis"

As the first term of the school is passing; lots of thoughts and concepts has been drifted at the moment. I must write them in case it is a very high chance that I might absolutely forget about them..(!)
The process has been shaped like a metamorphosis in my mind; a layer is coming, and than another and than a very different one on it..

I' ve seperated this process into 3 steps for now. The first one is the way that ı have submitted the proposal to the vcdmfa programme. At the second step; new definitions and also new questions , new problems have showed up; then ı have started to think about the ways, the methods for presantation and go through that way to the concept.. The third step is the alternatives in my mind; these can shape the project in very different ways..

Therefore; this project can go in a very different way, maybe too far to the first idea -according to the researches and the messes that I will be in.(!)- or can be smiliar to the first idea.

' s k e t c h o f t h e p r o c e s s '

l e t m e e x p l a i n . . .

3 Aralık 2007 Pazartesi

what is "imageisloading.blogspot.com" ?

imageisloading.blogspot.com is a part of dilek ozturk's master of fine arts in visual communication design thesis.. The project and its development processes will be published on this site. So; this blog will be standing with its all changing steps and contradictions. (o f c o u r s e . . )