Y o n a F r i e d m a n
Defends; flexible urban- architectural structurs .
According to his manifesto; “ L’ architecture Mobile” , his point of wiev to the city is ; interdiciplinary.

S p e c t a c u l a r C i t y E x h i b i t . , D u s s e l d o r f , 2 0 0 7
A n d r e a s G u r s k y

M i c h a e l W e s e l y / N Y - B e r l i n

O l i v i o B a r b i e r i
R o m e

s i e n n e
s i t e - s p e c i f i c w o r k
l . a.
All these photographs in this exhibition are between reality and fiction. The urban space can appear as a science fiction area, a made model, a sculpture.Worlds of puzzle..
C h a m p L i m b r e
Chamb Limbre is a foundation which exploring the process of creation and presentation about the relationships between architecture, public space and new media since 1992.
“İnvisible City / Cite İnvisible “ is a project of Chamb Limbre Foundation.
It is explained that: The city of the XXIst Century continuously undergoes major transformations of aesthetic, of its social structure .. This constant evolution of the city fascinates us by means of the wealth of the potential landscapes it presents. These landscapes, for Champ Libre, are places of philosophical and artistic inspiration.
The İnvisible city project feeds from this “being an inspiration “ situation of the landscape. Architecture, urban spaces and their relationships between the citizens are being expressed by different mediums in Grande Bibliothèque of the Quebec national library and archives.
C i r c u s - C o l l e c t i f f a c t
a v i d e o i n s t a l l a t i o n

“Circus” is a video project about construction of space . The location is a busy square in Geneva . The video work shows a constantly moving wiev of the city that seems to be disintegrating.
The project explains the urban architecture’s effect to the city area; as a non-linear perception with scanning of distinctive points of reference and landmarks and striking details. In other words: "simulation city"
“I l u m i n a c i o n e s U r b a n a s 1 “ (Urban İlluminations) - F r a n c i s N a r a n j o

Naranjo assimilates the “city” to “our biological system”. He says: “Our biological fluids seem to always find a different path in the vascular labyrinth of our bodies, just as our human and robotic neighbors seem to create a city distinct from our own city with every passing day. “
He uses the road network to represent the vascular system of our body.. Our body liquids flows from our vascular system; the cars, people and every element of the city flows from its networks..At this process nothing stays the same, every time this circle happens, it takes something from its own structure.
I n s o m n i a c c i t y - R a n S l a v i n

INSOMNIAC CITY is a mutation of the experimental movie and black thriller, combining the digital interventions on documentary images. The location is Tel Aviv. The main character and the city suffer from a labyrinthic insomnia, from the shiny new towers to the poorest neignborhoods, from air to sea.
The city area is transplanted through both physical and mental scapes, between reality and dream, documentary and fiction , combined with a story about a man and the city itself. The chaos of urban texture, and frames from the man’ s insomnia..
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