I 'd like to emphasize some important points and keywords.
'The city is a scene'
'City gives inspiration for visual arts'
The project is feeding from 'these situations of the city'.
At that point; city becomes ' a material for visual comminucation'.
T h e i d e n t i t y / c h a r a c t e r ;
seperates a person or a place from the others..
"The identity does not mean equality, it means 'individualism' and ,'being unique' "
Kevin Lynch
İmage Concept: reflects that uniqueness, the authenticity..
People, managements, brands have their own images;
T h e q u e s t i o n : "Do cities have their own images? "
The purpose is to create the vitrines of the city which reflects its own authentic identity, image...
T h e m e n t a l m a p : The mental map(s) is the route of the project . The disricts, edges, landmarks, nodes that reflects this uniqueness and the image will be determined on that map..It is a visual map; it will be changed according to the forms of perceiving the space , during this process...
V i t r i n e : v i s u a l m e a n i n g
İ s t a n b u l : v a r i o u s m o s a i c
c o s m o p o l i t s o c i e t y ; that's why İstanbul is an appropriate example...
I'd rather use schemes for expressing...
The problem: The borders of the area / space that reflect the image of the city is not certain, not clear....
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